Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Workbox System....It Worked for Us!

When we first started homeschooling, I tried so VERY hard to make it look like "real" school. We bought some second-hand desks at a local thrift store, (one for each kid) and scrubbed them as clean as we could get them. Hubby tore apart the girls' bunk beds, and made loft beds out of them so they could have their shiny new desks under there for a makeshift classroom. We used the workbox system, though we made ours with these instead. Yup, that was one sharp-looking classroom alright. For a home with VERY LITTLE SPACE, these carts were a Godsend.

Every day, I simply took their assignments in each subject, (along with any coordinating supplies, worksheets, etc.) and slid them into the drawers in each child's drawers. About halfway down, which would be their mid-morning work drawer, I put some little snack (fruit snack, granola bar, etc.) and a juice box, along with a search-a-word or color by number math sheet....something FUN, to refresh them a little and give their brains a break. Or I'd put a note in one drawer that simply said "Come see Mommy for a hug" or "RECESS! Get your shoes!!!" and we'd go outside one at a time til we were all out there, running and playing and getting the silly's out  :)

While we've since moved into a larger home with more space, and since the girls grew too tall over this past year to continue to SAFELY go under the loft beds to sit at their desks, we've changed the way we homeschool now. I'll save that for a later post  :)  But for anyone just starting, and not knowing WHERE to start, or what to do, I would highly recommend the Workbox System. It gave us enough organization without feeling overwhelmed & we didn't have to worry about making enough space for a ton of books to be piled up. And this is why the Workbox System worked for us  :)

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